Be Courageous, Do Good, Stay Dangerous

We forge a path of transformation in young men who have been shaped by father deprivation. We envision a world where every man, regardless of their past, has the grit, moral virtues, and wisdom to become a force for Good and positively influence their communities.

Our Programs

  • Uncommon Man

    A mindset transformation course, where you will look deep inside yourself and figure out what makes you tick, and then watch the transformation start happening.

  • camping, outdoors, fatherless, father, dad, son, men, masculinity, empowerment, decompress, revival, reconnection, wisdom, peace,

    The Wilderness

    A 3-Day camping experience that offers the perfect combination of adventure, education, and personal growth. It is an opportunity for men and boys to challenge themselves and take their life and relationships to the next level.

  • right of passage, becoming a man, boys, son, father, dad, masculinity, power, revival, proud, parent, grit, adversity, sound mind, self esteem,

    Right of Passage (Coming Soon)

    Due to technology and complacency, western men have been deprived of a right of passage into manhood. This unique experience challenges young men to endure adversity, overcome, and prove to themselves, you are enough, you are courageous, and you are dangerous.

  • Stay Dangerous

    Every man has a wound, and evil prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour our men by exploiting this wound. We are a group of men that have been affected by father deprivation and are here to help you heal your wound. It is not your fault and it did matter. We are here to bestow masculinity back to those who have been stripped of it. In order for these men to be a dangerous force for good.

    -Brian Duffy (Founder)

  • Be courageous

    A boy needs a father to show him how to be in the world. He needs to be given swagger, taught how to read a map so that he can recognize the roads that lead to life and the paths that lead to death, how to know what love requires, and where to find steel in the heart when life makes demands on us that are greater than we think we can endure.”

    -Ian Morgan Cron

  • Do good

    “The deepest search in life, it seemed to me, the thing that in one way or another was central to all living was man’s search to find a father, not merely the father of his flesh, not merely the lost father of this youth, but the image of a strength and wisdom external to hisnee and superior to his hunger, to which the belief and power of his own life could be united”

    -Tom Wolfe

Take Action

Invest in the future of your communities, and the future of men.

get some swag

  • Vinyl Stickers

  • Future is Fathers Tee

  • Making Fatherhood Great Again Tee

  • Phalanx Project Tee